Local GP-led Vaccination Services in North Tyneside are continuing to operate alongside the national Mass Vaccination Centre in Newcastle, at The Centre for Life.

Please keep any appointments made for 1st doses of Covid-19 vaccine with our Local Vaccination Services running from Longbenton, North Shields (including Whitley bay) and Wallsend sites that cover residents from the whole of the North Tyneside borough. 

Anyone who has an appointment for a 2nd vaccine dose in January, due to the change in government guidance, these will now be in March 2020 and you should receive an appointment for the new date.

Anyone who needs to access a vaccination service close to home will be able to do this.

Now that more doses of Covid-19 vaccines are available, the NHS is able to open more vaccination services, including the first Mass Vaccination Centres like The Centre for Life in Newcastle.

People who are eligible and who live near these new vaccination services will receive letters from the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Booking Service, telling them how they can book their appointment. You do not have to travel to Newcastle if you are unable to travel or would prefer to wait for an appointment with one of our local vaccination services in North Tyneside.

The NHS is rolling out additional services quickly, but it remains important that the public don’t try to book or go to these services before they receive their booking letter. When you do book an appointment for any vaccination service, please make sure you attend.

You may have already received a letter from the national NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Booking Service inviting you to book an appointment at the Centre for Life in Newcastle, despite already having had the Covid-19 Vaccine locally. You do not need to do anything if this is the case as the local GP-led service will make sure you receive your 2nd dose of vaccine.

If you receive the letter from the national service, but have not had the vaccine locally already and can travel safely to the Vaccination Centre at The Centre for Life, we recommend that you book using the details the letter provides.

In the same way as our North Tyneside Local GP-led Vaccination Services, the new nationally run centres announced on Monday 11th January have started vaccinating patients over the age of 80 years of age.

We are all inviting people for vaccination according to the criteria and prioritisation set by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), and will contact you when it’s your turn.

Like the rest of the NHS we are working locally to offer vaccines to everyone in the top four at-risk groups by the middle of February, following the JCVI priority groupings below.

North Tyneside is currently on track to have completed vaccinations for residents in a care home for older adults and their carers by Thursday 14th January.

Please do not contact your GP if you haven’t received an invite yet, or have had a letter from the national service.

GPs are very busy at the moment and doing this could prevent a patient who needs our help from getting through. The NHS will contact you when it is your turn.

Vaccination FAQs and further advice is available on our website COVID-19 Information Hub.

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