It has been 12 months since the way we access services significantly changed due to coronavirus. Our partners at Healthwatch North Tyneside want to know your experiences of accessing GP services (by phone, online, face-to-face, etc) and how you want services to run in the future.
This research will build upon work Healthwatch carried out last year on people’s experiences of changes in access during the pandemic. It will be used by the NHS and Primary Care providers to plan services for the future.
The information gathered will also feed into the evaluation of the Livi digital app service. North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group have asked Healthwatch to gather feedback from users of Livi, who will be invited to share their views and experiences of the service in a separate survey.
Accessing GP Services Survey
Healthwatch are keen to hear the views of people who we are not able to reach online. If you know of any local groups running that would be willing to share our survey or host a focus group, they would love to hear from you by emailing info@hwnt.co.uk or telephone 0191 263 5321.
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