North Tyneside has reached a new milestone in the borough’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme with 100,000 vaccine doses administered to date.

Receiving a Covid-19 vaccination is a pretty special moment for anyone, however, for Barbara Lancaster, her jab last weekend was a celebration for the whole community.

The 76-year-old’s dose allowed North Tyneside to hit the major milestone of 100,000 vaccines given since the start of the programme.

The rapid rollout across the borough has been a real team effort with the NHS (GP-led vaccination centres run by all four Primary Care Networks, North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group, TyneHealth GP Federation and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust), North Tyneside Council, volunteers from across the borough and the community and voluntary sector (VODA, North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and Healthwatch North Tyneside) working together to play their part.

In North Tyneside, we have three GP-led local vaccination centres run by the four Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Longbenton in the North West, in North Shields (also covering Whitley Bay residents) and in Wallsend.

These sites operate alongside the larger nationally run vaccination centres and pharmacy sites which are also administering jabs via the NHS national booking system.

We have been capturing these moments to tell North Tyneside’s Vaccine Story – a moving digital record of the biggest vaccination programme in the history of the NHS.

From volunteers to medics, nurses, residents and more we have been sharing their stories on social media with the hashtag #MyVaccineStoryNT. We will keep building and adding to this record as more stories come in and more people share their experiences with us.

If you would like to read more about the teamwork behind the vaccination programme across North Tyneside, Barbara’s story and more have been collected by the NT Comms Collaboration team – a section of which was published this week in The Chronicle – whose article is available to read on-line here:

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