Dedicated teams of nurses worked evenings and weekends over the Christmas and the New Year period into 2021 to enable delivery of the vaccine to care home residents and staff.

In just two weeks, by January 14 th 2021, all residents of adult care homes in the borough who were well enough, and the majority of care home workers, had received their first vaccine.

This process was led by TyneHealth GP Federation’s Medical Director Dr Susannah Thompson and their frailty nurse teams, working in partnership with North Tyneside CCG and District Nursing teams.

She said: “It has been a pleasure to see such amazing teamwork and I would like to praise everyone who has dedicated their time and effort to making this a success. Our highest priority was to find a way for the COVID vaccine to be administered as quickly and as safely as possible to our most vulnerable groups.”

“This just shows how collaborative working and cooperation at a local level has been so successful in North Tyneside for our COVID Vaccine Programme rollout.”

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