Current Opportunities

    We are currently recruiting staff to join our flexible workforce pool,  to help 24 practices in North Tyneside fill any staff shortages they may be experiencing. We are looking for the following roles:

    • Admins
    • Health Care Assistants
    • Practice Nurses
    • Advanced Nurse Practitioners
    • Secretaries
    • General Practitioners

    For more information, please contact

Check back in the near future for more on these future job opportunities. Details on current vacancies below.

About Us

TyneHealth was founded in 2006 and became the North Tyneside GP Federation in 2014, representing all of the practices in North Tyneside.

Together with our GP members, we deliver improved health care in the community to over 215,000 residents, by bringing care closer to patients’ homes.

We work in partnership with commissioners, local hospitals, the third sector and our patients to provide community based, medically-led services.

COVID-19 Vaccination Programme: Volunteer

As the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme continues to accelerate both nationally and locally, we are continue to seek volunteers to support the roll out.

TyneHealth, together with the four Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and the North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), started the vaccine roll out last month.

In North Tyneside, we have three local vaccination services; in Longbenton, North Shields and Wallsend as well as delivering the vaccine to care home residents and housebound adults across the borough.

We need volunteers from a clinical and medical background to support us with the continued delivery of the vaccination programme.

If you’re interested in volunteering with TyneHealth for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP), please click REGISTER to fill out the volunteer form and we will be in touch soon.


You can select to volunteer at one or more sites.

In all cases, full training and appropriate supervision and personal protective equipment (PPE) will be available to ensure the safety of staff, volunteers and patients.